About Burnout in Cybersecurity
Earlier this year, Johan Berggren and I presented at Black Hat EU on the topic of responder burnout. I had a wonderful time presenting and there is a recording of our talk available, but for those who prefer to consume things like this in writing, I wanted to follow it up with this blog post. Neither Johan nor I are psychologists or trained in therapy, so please don’t take this as clinical advice. Our observations about burnout and its causes come from long careers in response and an enduring, intense focus on the issue within our own teams. Additionally, Johan draws on many conversations with his wife (an emergency response (ER) Nurse) and I draw on my almost 30-year history as a volunteer Fire & Rescue responder. In the Cyber Security industry, if you pay attention to the social spaces you will find many references to happy dumpster fires and the “this is fine” dog. People often talk of dropping out of tech to start farming, or of living in the wilderness. These memes and the n...